Followers dengan Kualitas Hubungan Pertemanan


  • Mario Mario Universitas Negeri Makassar



The theory used to look at the  quality of friendship  relationships is the  theory  of symbolic interaction, developed  by George Herbert  Mead and  popularized by Herbert Blumer.  In the  theory of  symbolic interactionism  emphasizes the meaning that  individuals give to social  actions  and the process  of  interacting with each other  in forming social relationships. In a study  on the effect of the number of Instagram followers of  Hasanuddin University Psychology students Class of 2022 on the quality of the friendship environment, a quantitative approach was used through questionnaires given to respondents, which consisted of two variables collected, namely the number of followers  Instagram (independent variable) and friendship quality (dependent variable). The sample used in this study is the Slovin formula and the margin of error is 10%, namely 55 students from a total of 121 Psychology students of Hasanuddin University Class of 2022 using the random sampling method. Based on the results of simple linear regression testing, it can be seen that the number of  Instagram followers can cause a decrease in the quality of friendship relationships by 0.001 units. The follower count variable  can explain the variable quality of friendship relationships by 0.3%.


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How to Cite

Mario Mario. (2023). Followers dengan Kualitas Hubungan Pertemanan. TUTURAN: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Sosial Dan Humaniora, 1(1), 29–37.