Pengaruh Beliefs and Attitude Generasi Z Terhadap Green Purchase Intention Layanan Goride Electric


  • Alya Rana Megananda Universitas Padjajaran
  • Dadang Sugiana Universitas Padjajaran
  • Ilham Gemiharto Universitas Padjajaran



Green purchase, Gen Z, Gojek, Theory of Planned Behavior


This study aims to determine how significant the influence of Generation Z’s beliefs and attitude can make towards the green purchase intention of GoRide Electric service in South Jakarta. In order to find out, this study uses Theory of Planned Behavior which was developed by Ajzen (1989) from the theory which he and Fishbein first came up with, Theory of Reasoned Action. This explanatory quantitative research is conducted by distributing questionnaires to 100 Generation Z respondents who lives in South Jakarta uses public and/or online transportation. The data collected is analyzed using the Multiple Linear Regression analysis to find out the influence of 3 independent variables towards the dependent variable in this study. The results shows that there is indeed a positive and significant influence of Generation Z's beliefs and attitude green purchase intention for GoRide Electric service. It is found that Generation Z's attitude towards green purchase has a positive and significant effect on green purchase intention for GoRide Electric service in South Jakarta. Apart from that, it is also known that Generation Z subjective norms have a positive and significant effect on green purchase intention for GoRide Electric service in South Jakarta. Another positive influence occurs between Generation Z's perceived behavioral control on Green Purchase Intention for GoRide Electric service in South Jakarta. The more positive beliefs and attitude that Generation Z has regarding green purchases, the green purchase intention for GoRide Electric service will also increase.


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How to Cite

Alya Rana Megananda, Dadang Sugiana, & Ilham Gemiharto. (2024). Pengaruh Beliefs and Attitude Generasi Z Terhadap Green Purchase Intention Layanan Goride Electric. TUTURAN: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Sosial Dan Humaniora, 2(2), 174–184.

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