The Impact of AI-Driven Approaches on Product Branding in Ethical Business Practices


  • Tiur Ayya Zakiyah Dakota Cargo Serang



AI-driven branding, Ethical business practices, Consumer perceptions, Qualitative research, Impact analysis


This research investigates the effects of AI-driven approaches on product branding within the context of ethical business practices. The study aims to understand how AI technologies shape consumers' perceptions of brands and ethical considerations. Adopting a qualitative research model, data will be gathered through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with consumers, marketing professionals, and AI experts. Sampling techniques will involve purposive and snowball sampling to ensure diverse perspectives. Data analysis will employ thematic analysis, identifying recurring patterns and themes related to AI's impact on branding and ethics. The study anticipates revealing insights into how AI influences brand strategies, consumer trust, and ethical implications, providing valuable guidance for businesses navigating AI integration while upholding ethical standards.



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How to Cite

Tiur Ayya Zakiyah. (2023). The Impact of AI-Driven Approaches on Product Branding in Ethical Business Practices. Sammajiva: Jurnal Penelitian Bisnis Dan Manajemen, 1(2), 299–306.

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